3.6. Kernel density

A useful tool to visualize the density of a point layer it is the Heatmap. In QGIS, we can directly use a styling option of the layer.

  • Right-click the places_clip layer on the Layers panel
  • Select Properties
  • In the menu on the left, select “Symbology”

  • In the dropdown menu on top, select Heatmap

  • Now you only have to choose the parameters:

    • Color ramp: reds
    • Radius and radius unit of measure: 10 millimetres
    • Maximum value (leave Automatic)

  • Then click OK button on the bottom

The result is the visualization of the places layer as a heatmap:


Fig. 3.6.1 Comparison between the heatmap and a copy of the places_clip layer with the point symbology